Technical data
The TRC-394B is the CSF reference for an HF solid-state receveir used by the french army but also aboard french vessels. This model has been designed around 1978.
Here are its technical specifications (detailed specifications here):
- Receiving mode:
AM,USB,LSB,CW,TTY (ISB optional)
- Sensivity: [for (S+B)/B = 10dB]
<0.4uV BLU,
<2.5uV AM.
- Frequency coverage:
12 fixed frequencies from
400Khz to 30Mhz
- Double conversion design:
1st FI: 67.5MHz,
2nd FI: 1.5Mhz.
- Filters:
1Khz F1,
250Hz CW (800Hz optional).
- BFO:
1Khz Fixed,
Tunable from 500 to 2000Hz.
This receiver uses CD4xxx CMOS technology ICs for the logical part, BF247B and 3N187 FET transistors for the HF stage and U6A775-7312, SL621, MC1350, TBA790 for the IF stage and TBA810S for the audio.
Most units are fitted with hardwired memory boards but last units are using a static RAM memory board to store the twelve fixed frequencies.
The TRC-394A is the same design but includes a VFO.
The TRC-394C is the latest design that offers far better performances and functionnalities.
Front view | Rear view |
Upper view | Under view |
Last revision: 09/11/2007