========================================================================= V1.0.3 - External - Published - Status bar modified accordingly to the W6xSynop design ========================================================================= V1.0.2 - External - Published - W51PC handling error corrected ========================================================================= V1.0.1 - External - Published - W41PC allows up to 8 cards and not only 4 as coded in our V1.0.0. ========================================================================= V1.0.0 - External - Published - A clean and fully functionnal code rewritten nearly four years after we bought our W40PC. Next step would be to make it working with the W61PC new XML API. ========================================================================= V0.2.0 - Internal - Not Published - Very first try to interconnect either to an W40PC, W41PC or W51PC using the POC V0.1.0 code. Quick try to interconnect it to our very first Synop Control. ========================================================================= V0.1.0 - Internal - Not Published - Proof of concept that the W40PC can be remotely connected. Never published but it worked =========================================================================