========================================================================= Version - Noise and Agc states were not saved ! ========================================================================= Version - Add 'Init Delay' registry parameter to set start delay in s. - State display LED now synchronized when more than one instance ========================================================================= Version - Another error on timestamp record name (month) ========================================================================= Version - Error on record file name (month) ========================================================================= Version - Minor bug corrected on the icon animation - Added warning message for bad authentification when registering ========================================================================= Version - Better connection handling. Application no more freeze when trying to reconnect. - Visual state indication on systray icon for recording state: red for squelched state, green for opened state ========================================================================= Version - New squelch processing - Registry key "Length Sql" can be set to define Squelch analysis time in ms (default = 800ms). That is any signal with a level higher than the squelch defined one for a duration of at least "Length Sql" will disable squelch. - Registry key "Silent Sql" can be set to define silent time to Squelch in ms (default = 2000ms) (not less than "Length Sql"). That is silent for more the "Silent Sql" will activate squech. ========================================================================= Version - GMT time stamping - Better record level monitoring handling - Added a decaying maximum level value ========================================================================= Version - Corrects DDE construction name error - Adds visual indicator for DDE client connection ========================================================================= Version - End Recording Timestamp was not recorded on exit ========================================================================= Version - Minor bug corrected in sound separator recording ========================================================================= Version - Latest LAME Encoder librarie - Minor bugs corrected - Added TIMECODE in the MP3 stream through dummy frames - Added visual recording status - Added record rotation -> rotate after 24h or more 2000 segments - Added configurable recording squelch level -> level averaged on 20 frames -> SQUELCH OFF immediatly -> SQUELCH ON after 50 silent frames ========================================================================= Version - Adding recording capabilities Output on MP3 file Strip silents ID3 minimal tagging ========================================================================= Version - Input selection was not restored at startup, MIC was always selected Will Work with our modified IaxClient V2.0.2.1 ========================================================================= Version 0.7.0 - Published - Input selection when using our own IaxClient.dll which includes part of IaxRpt modifications ========================================================================= Version 0.6.1 - Published - Clear DDE data on client connection ========================================================================= Version 0.6 - Published - Received DTMF digit/code are sent back through DDE Server name is RXIAX or RXIAX_InstanceName ========================================================================= Version 0.5 - Published - Includes our last iaxclient.dll version - Empty log file name issue corrected - Don't log when nothing has been opened before ========================================================================= Version 0.4 - Published - Add a log file - Now able to dial out when starting up (caller mode) ========================================================================= Version 0.3 - Published - Fully working version with good SPEEX parameters - Access to all codecs using our own iaxclient library - Allow more than one instance using different UDP ports - AppMod parameter allow selecting input or input/output parameter dialog box ========================================================================= Version 0.2 - Add sound device selection ========================================================================= Version 0.1 - Use a VC6 compiled IaxClient library version - Exercise with the undocumented IaxClient API =========================================================================