Technical data
The TRC361 aka RR-BM-7 is a Thomson VLF/LF/MF solid-state receiver made in the 70's.
This receiver came from the French Navy 'Henry' Aviso and spare parts from "Bany" Aviso.
This other Thomson VLF receiver is similar but not identical.
Here are its technical specifications:
- Receiving mode:
A1, A2, A3, A4, A3J, A7J, F1, F4
- Sensivity:
< 2uV A1,
<30uV A3.
- Frequency coverage:
100Hz steps from
14Khz to 1.7Mhz
- Double conversion design:
1st FI: 8MHz,
2nd FI: 200Khz.
- - Filters:
TRC361 |
TRC361 - Front |
TRC361 - Rear |
TRC361 - Panel |
TRC361 - Inside |
TRC361 - Identity |
TRC361 - ABF |
TRC361 - AMF |
TRC361 - CCL |
TRC361 - GND |
TRC361 - DNA |
TRC361 - DNB |
TRC361 - DNC |
TRC361 - DND |
TRC361 - DNE |
TRC361 - VOP |
TRC361 - FLT |
TRC361 - THF |
TRC361 - RGA |
TRC361 - RGE |
Last revision: 2007/07/03