Azimuth Elevation Controller


  • Schematic (Controller)
  • Power control (mosfet)
  • Power control (relay)
  • Power supply
  • Schematic (ADC)
  • Details

    I once found a 220V powered CCTV pan-tilt motor system in an ham-fest which I think will make a nice azimuth/elevation tracking system for my home made VHF/UHF log-periodic antenna.
    So I designed a PIC based controller that will be able to handle the system. With the first version, both position information voltages were directly read by the PIC ADC. However, the lines picked up too much noise for an accurate measurement. A second version was designed that makes use of AD7992 I2C ADC converters located in the pan-tilt housing.This version gives far better results.
    Commands can be send through a serial line and an home made dedicated Windows software which is compatible with the Orbitron and the Nova tracking software.


    Full Setup

    Last revision: 08/01/2012